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I created the following component. public class BloombergData : System.ComponentModel.Component, IListSource { ArrayList _list = null; public System.Collections.IList GetList() { return _list; } } There is another property, which adds to the ArrayList _list a class with many properties. When I place the component on my form and set a DataGrids DataSource to it: this.dataGrid1.DataSource = this.bloombergData1; The grid shows all the properties as columns and the data they contain. I set a textbox to the AutoComplete control and choose Both for Autocomplete on autoComplete1. In the Form_Load I set: autoComplete1.DataSource = bloombergData1; When I type or double_click in the text box I get no drop down. If I set up the datasource on the Autocomplete control in the designer, and click Refresh Columns, the control auto discovers all the column names. Any thoughts. Thanks

2 Replies

DJ Davis Jebaraj Syncfusion Team December 12, 2002 10:01 PM UTC

Hi, Thank you for using Syncfusion controls. Please check if the ParentForm property of the AutoComplete component has been set in the code generated. If not try setting the ParentForm in the Form's load event : this.autoComplete1.ParentForm = this; I will also look into other possible problems and let you know. Thank you for your patience. Regards, Davis

DF Doug Finke December 13, 2002 12:33 PM UTC

Thank you. I took another approach. I created an XSD, generated a dataset, inherited it and bound that to the AutoComplete control and it works. I will try setting the ParentForm.

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