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Copy Selected Rows to Clipboard

I am using the following code to copy the data from the selected range of cells into the clipboard: Dim range As GridRangeInfo = m_Grid.Model.SelectedRanges(0) Dim rangeList As GridRangeInfoList = New GridRangeInfoList rangeList.Add(range) m_Grid.Model.CutPaste.CopyTextToClipboard(rangeList) This works fine if my selected range only contains partial rows (ie: range.info ="R2C3:R3C4"). However, if I select my range by rows such that range.info ends up containing something like "R4:R5" the copy doesn''t seem to work. How can I modify this to recognize both range selections and entire row selections?

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 14, 2004 06:15 PM UTC

Before adding your range to the rangelist, use range.ExpandRange to change an arbitrary range into a cell range. range = range.ExpandRange(1, 1, grid.Model.RowCount, grid.Model.ColCount)

JL Jeff Lancaster October 15, 2004 07:01 PM UTC

That works great! Thanks, Clay.

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