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Comparing the Original Value To Initial value..

Hi.. How do i retrieve the original value in a Cell after the user had edited the cell..? Or is there any other way to find out whether user had made any changes in a particular cell.. and where exactly is the cell he make the changes.. If so, WHich event should i trigger this? I'' using grip grouping control. Thank you

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 14, 2004 06:37 AM UTC

You can use the TableControlCurrentCellValidating event.
private void gridGroupingControl1_TableControlCurrentCellValidating(object sender, GridTableControlCancelEventArgs e)
	GridCurrentCell cc = e.TableControl.CurrentCell;
	Console.WriteLine("new: {0}     old: {1}", cc.Renderer.ControlText, e.TableControl.Model[cc.RowIndex, cc.ColIndex].CellValue);

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