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BUG? GroupDropPanel Font

Trying to get the control to change from its default font: this.gridGroupingControl1.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 12 ); this.gridGroupingControl1.GroupDropPanel.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 12 ); The first statement seems to work, the second does not, i.e. the drop panel still renders in the default font, and looks generally horrible. Is this a bug?

3 Replies

DM Dominic Morris October 12, 2004 05:50 AM UTC

Also tried this, to no avail. this.gridGroupingControl1.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 9 ); this.gridGroupingControl1.GroupDropPanel.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 9 ); this.gridGroupingControl1.GridGroupDropArea.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 9 ); >Trying to get the control to change from its default font: > this.gridGroupingControl1.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 12 ); > this.gridGroupingControl1.GroupDropPanel.Font = new Font( "Verdana", 12 ); > >The first statement seems to work, the second does not, i.e. the drop panel still renders in the default font, and looks generally horrible. > >Is this a bug? >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 12, 2004 07:10 AM UTC

To change the font in the drop area, try settingthe standard style for the embedded gridcontrol that serves as teh drop area. GridStyleInfo style = this.gridGroupingControl1.GridGroupDropArea.Model.BaseStylesMap["Standard"].StyleInfo; style.Font.Facename = "Verdana"; style.Font.Size = 12; I will check with Stefan to see if there is something missing here, or if he can make the drop grid inherit the font in a more direct way, but the above seems to work around this problem for the time being.

DM Dominic Morris October 12, 2004 07:18 AM UTC

Cool, thanks Clay. >To change the font in the drop area, try settingthe standard style for the embedded gridcontrol that serves as teh drop area. > >GridStyleInfo style = this.gridGroupingControl1.GridGroupDropArea.Model.BaseStylesMap["Standard"].StyleInfo; >style.Font.Facename = "Verdana"; >style.Font.Size = 12; > > >I will check with Stefan to see if there is something missing here, or if he can make the drop grid inherit the font in a more direct way, but the above seems to work around this problem for the time being.

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