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Removing from GAC

I''ve got Syncfusion Essential Suite installed. I actually have 3 versions currently installed for no particular reason, but I don''t think that''s the issue. I''m trying to remove Syncfusion.Chart from the GAC but I don''t seem to be able to accomplish this. I''ve tried doing it immediately after booting up, but it always tells me it''s in use. I''ve tried deleting it from within .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration in Administrative Tools. I''ve tried opening the folder C:\WINNT\ASSEMBLY and deleting the assembly from there. I''ve tried running "GACUTIL -U Syncfusion.Chart" They all say the same thing: It''s in use. After a fresh reboot, I have nothing running that would use .NET let alone the Syncfusion controls. How can I get this out of the GAC? Pete

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 7, 2004 10:46 AM UTC

As an additional note, I downloaded the whoslocking program that was mentioned in a previous message and it''s telling me that nothing has the syncfusion.chart.dll locked, yet when I try to remove it, I''m told it''s in use. What else can I do?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 8, 2004 05:39 PM UTC

Hi Pete Here is a link which may help you address this issue. Regards Arun

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