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XPToolBars design

Hi Guru, I have another problem with the xpToolBar control. In the User Control I''m currently working on, I need to have this: 1. A ''main'' menu with some operations (that menu is a XPToolBar). So there I add the menu items (parent & items bar) with the ''Items'' collection in the properties page (under Misc). There, it''s ok. 2. Below that ''main menu'', I have two other XPToolBars in which we find back all the items available in the main menu. They are available as buttons. The problem I have is: When designing my User Control, after building the ''main'' menu, I want to add the just created baritems in my 2 other xpToolBars. When clicking on one, the tooltip says: "Add Bar Items into this XPToolBar through the Items Collection or from the BarManager list via simple drag and drop". But I cannot: 1. add new items (in the Items COllection) because they are already created. 2. drag & drop items from a BarManager because it''s not possible to have a MainFramBarManager or a ChildFrameBarManager in a User Control. Any idea how I can re-use the barItems defined in my ''main'' menu XPToolBar? Thanks Mario

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 6, 2004 01:20 AM UTC

Hi Mario, I have created a test sample as per my understanding of your specifications above. Please refer to the sample and let me know if this meets your requirements. If not, kindly modify the sample to show the problem that you are facing and send it back to us so that we could take a look at it. We appreciate your cooperation. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

MC Mario Cadelli October 6, 2004 05:50 AM UTC

Thanks for your answer Guru, I have updated your sample by adding in the design mode in the toolbar1 2 parent bar items (with 2 items each). What I would like to do is by some design mean (not in the code) add Item1 to Item4 in the 2 other toolbars. It is not possible to drag from somewhere the item Item1 to Item4 in the toolbar2 and 3. I have turn around the problem by adding the desired items in my toolbars at the load of my form. The updated sample also show that. I doubt that there is another possibility to do that, do you agree? Rgds Mario usercontrol_xptoolbar_1448.zip

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 8, 2004 02:12 AM UTC

Hi Mario, Thanks for the modified sample. Yes, your observation is correct. The BarItems cannot be dragged and dropped on different Bars or under another ParentbarItem (just like XPMenus.Bars) in case of the XPToolBar. In the present architecture of XPMenus, this can only be done in code. Please let me know if you need any other information. We appreciate your continued interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

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