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DataGrid Parent Row

Hi, Does anyone know how to programmatically access the parent row information displayed in the header of a datagrid's child table when the child table is empty? If the child table is not empty, I can navigate up to the parent table via my DataRelation, but what do I do otherwise? I can't use GetParentRow as I have no child records. The parent row is (if the property is turned on) displayed in the grid so it must be available somehow. Would greatly appreciate any help. AK

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 9, 2002 10:33 AM UTC

Have just discovered answer to my own question: Dim myCM As CurrencyManager = DataGrid1.BindingContext(DataGrid1.DataSource, parent_table_name) Dim myindex As Integer = myCM.Position Dim myRow As DataRow = DataSet1.Tables(parent_table_name).Rows(myindex)

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