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GridGroupingControl Group Caption Row

Hi, How can I stop the GridGrouping control showing a particular grouped caption row (the row with the plusminus cell. I would like to see the all items in the particular group instance. Thanks Dev.

5 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 1, 2004 10:26 AM UTC

Hi Dev, Try to locate the column that is associated with that group (the one you used for GroupedColumns.Add(fieldName). The column has GroupOptions. You can then set tableDescriptor.Columns[groupByFieldName].GroupOptions.ShowCaptionPlusMinus = false Stefan

DH Devshi Halai October 1, 2004 11:05 AM UTC

Hi Stefan, I don''t think this is what I want. I''ll explain in a bit more detail taking the Group customer example [-] Country: Argentina - 3 item(s) (I don''t wan to see this row, however I want to see all the items in the group) Item1 (I want to see this) Item2 (I want to see this) Item3 (I want to see this) [+] Country ( I want to see this) Item1 Item2 Item3 I don''t want to show the top most grouped item caption, i this case Argentina, however I want to see all the items contained within in the Country Argentina. Hope this makes some sense. Thanks Dev.

DH Devshi Halai October 5, 2004 04:58 AM UTC

Hi Stefan, Any further ideas on this. Dev.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 5, 2004 07:46 AM UTC

So, basically you do not want to hide all captions on the same grouping-level only individual ones. Correct? To to this you will have to derive a class from GridGroup . In your derived classes you need to override IsChildVisible. Something like this: public override bool IsChildVisible(Element el) { if (el is CaptionSection && el.ParentGroup.CatgoryKey.ToString() == "Argentina") return false; if (el is CaptionRow && el.ParentGroup.CatgoryKey.ToString() == "Argentina") return false; else if (el is DetailsSection && el.ParentGroup.CatgoryKey.ToString() == "Argentina") return true; // Otherwise default behavior: return base.IsChildVisible(el); } The GroupingPerf example shows how to derive a class from GridEngine and register that class. In that class you need to override the CreateGroup override. Stefan

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 4, 2004 08:32 AM UTC

Hi, Thanks, this is working as expected apart from one issue, I seem to loose the custom caption text which I''ve setup. _groupingGrid.ChildGroupOptions.CaptionText = "{Category} [{RecordCount} items]"; This seems to get reset to the default when I use the derived GridEngine. Regards, Dev.

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