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Undocked Panels and Keyboard Shortcuts...

I have an MDI application which uses the DockingManager and MainFrameBarManager/ChildFrameBarManager. Some of my BarItems have shortcut keys defined, e.g. CTRL-N. However, CTRL-N does not always work. One common scenario is that an undocked (floating) panel has the focus. This behaviour is easy to reproduce in the MDI sample application. However, it is not a problem in the Visual Studio IDE. Does anyone know of a good approach to solving this problem? Thanks in advance. Nik

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team October 1, 2004 01:46 PM UTC

Hi Nik, I was able to observe that this behavior was inconsistent with the behavior of VS.NET docking. The problem seems to be that the floating form retains the focus where as the VS.NET floating forms lose focus when shortcut keys are pressed. We will change the behavior so that the shortcut keys are processed even when the floating panels have focus. I will post more information when the fix is available. Thank you for your co-operation. Best regards, Stephen. >I have an MDI application which uses the DockingManager and MainFrameBarManager/ChildFrameBarManager. Some of my BarItems have shortcut keys defined, e.g. CTRL-N. However, CTRL-N does not always work. One common scenario is that an undocked (floating) panel has the focus. > >This behaviour is easy to reproduce in the MDI sample application. However, it is not a problem in the Visual Studio IDE. Does anyone know of a good approach to solving this problem? > >Thanks in advance. >Nik

SB Scot Bryant August 30, 2005 12:24 AM UTC

Any new info on this? I am having a problem with this as well.

VS Vijayanand S Syncfusion Team August 30, 2005 07:06 AM UTC

Hi Scot, I am afraid, this issue has not been addressed as yet. Please refer to the Feature Request#278 XPMenus and Microsoft Menus shortcuts don''t work when a floating control has focus link to track the status of this issue. I have once again notified the development team about it and we will try our very best to address the same at the earliest. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. Thanks, Vijay

OP Osden Pereira September 21, 2005 07:07 AM UTC

Even I am facing the above mentioned problem. I have a Docked treeViewAdv in AutoHide Mode, when the control has focus it does not process any other kayboard menu shortcuts. Regards, Osden

VS Vijayanand S Syncfusion Team September 29, 2005 12:55 PM UTC

Hi Osden, Sorry for the inconvenience caused. I have consulted with the development team regarding for ETA to fix this issue. They have said that it will be finished in the next week. I will update you with more information regarding this issue very soon. Thanks for you patience. Regards, Vijay

JK Joy K George Syncfusion Team March 13, 2006 11:31 AM UTC

Hi Osden, We are glad to inform you that the feature request has been implemented and the patch is ready for download.Here is the download details Regards Joy

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 13, 2006 05:19 PM UTC

Hi Osden, Also, please make sure to set the ForwardMenuShortcuts property on DockingManager to true. This is required to enable the new feature. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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