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Copy and Paste

Im attaching a sample that i wondered if you could help me with. I just found this problem today and I cant figure out whats going on with it. If you run the sample and click cell 1,1 and type in 999 and dont do anything else. After you type 999 and ur still in active edit mode hit ctrl-c. this takes u to the menu we have since we disabled ur context menu using ur code and then it does the copy and paste. The problem is that 999 is an invalid value for that cell. so it goes to the currentcellvalidating routine and gives u the proper error message. thats what it is suppose to do but then it crashes and im not sure why. if i remove the e.cancel from the currentcellvalidating it works fine, but if i just click on cell 1,1 again and type 999 again and then arrow off the cell then it wont reset the value like i need it too and will move off the cell leaving invalid data. thats what e.cancel is suppose to do. taking e.cancel out works fine if they try to copy and paste in active edit mode..i cant figure out whats going on. so what i cant figure out is what does leaving the grid have to do with the e.cancel causing it to blow up. Let me know if you have any questions. copypaste_5311.zip

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 30, 2004 02:59 PM UTC

This code worked around the problem for me. An exception was being thrown in the validation which is being triigerred by your CurrentCell.EndEdit call, and this was being ignored by the code which was going ahead and sending the ctl+C key.
  Private Sub mnuEditCopy_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuEditCopy.Click
        End Try
    End Sub

PB Philip Bishop September 30, 2004 03:31 PM UTC

So what exactly is causing the exception?? I see how u have the return places that it will skip the sendkeys that i have in there. Why does that cause an excetpion??

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 30, 2004 04:04 PM UTC

If you run your code in the debugger with it set to stop on exception, you will see where the exception is being generated. You setting e.Cancel in the validating event because the causes the currentcell.ConfirmChanges call to fail in the currentcell.EndEdit code. The grid throws an exception at this point to tell the caller of EndEdit that the process did not complete. Since you are calling EndEdit at this point, you would have to handle this exception. Here is the relevant code from our library. It is the ConfirmChanges if block that triggers the exception.
public void EndEdit()
	if (IsLocked || cellRenderer == null)
	if (isEditing)
		if (IsDroppedDown)
		if (IsModified)
			if (!this.ConfirmChanges())
				if (this.Exception != null)
					throw this.Exception;
					throw new Exception(ErrorMessage);
		isEditing = false;

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