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TabbedMDI not functioning properly with XPMenus?

i tried creating 2 forms, form1 is a mdicontainer, with the appropriate codes to set up tabbedmdi in it. a mainmenuitem will open the mdi child (form2). with this simple setup, i am able to get the tabbedmdi to work without a problem. however, when i apply the same piece of code on another form, which contain xpmenus (office2003 style), somehow the tabbedmdi are not showing up. is there any setting that i need to apply to get tabbedmdi to work with xpmenus? thanks and regards.

2 Replies

LK Lance Koh September 28, 2004 03:17 AM UTC

i figured out what was wrong. the maximized window state was the culprit. however, now i am facing another issue. that is when i open 3 mdi childs, 1 of the mdi childs have validating textboxes. when this child is activated, and the error provider is raising an error, moving to another mdi child will not allow me to enter any data in the 2nd child. closing the first child (the one with error provider) will enable me to work on the 2nd child again. any idea how to get around this? thanks and regards

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 30, 2004 05:14 PM UTC

Hi Lance, This is a known issue in the .NET framework. For now, you could use the following workaround : 1. Handle the TabbedMDIManager''s TabControlAdded event and get the TabControlAdv associated with it manager.TabControlAdded += new TabbedMDITabControlEventHandler(manager_TabControlAdded); private void manager_TabControlAdded(object sender, TabbedMDITabControlEventArgs e) { this.tabcontrol = e.TabControl; this.tabcontrol.SelectedIndexChanging +=new SelectedIndexChangingEventHandler(tabcontrol_SelectedIndexChanging); } 2. Handle the SelectedIndexChanging event of this TabControlAdv and cancel the new tab selection if the entry in the present tab is invalid private void tabcontrol_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, SelectedIndexChangingEventArgs e) { if (form1.TextBoxText != "test") { if (form_loaded) MessageBox.Show("Invalid Entry!"); e.Cancel = true; } } Please refer to the test sample attached that illustrates this, and let me know if this works for you. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

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