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DataBound Grid with column type as Arraylist

Hi, I am getting a CLR exception "Negative key" when i try to hide a column of type Arraylist in the databoundgrid. Could you let me know what the problem could be. Thanks, Sheela

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 23, 2004 02:43 PM UTC

Hi Sheela, that doesn''t ring any bells here what could be wrong. Do you have a small example that demonstrates the problem? I will have to debug into it to find out what might be wrong. I am also not sure if the databound grid does support DataColumn with type ArrayList at all. Can you remove that column from the DataTable before you bind it to the DataBoundGrid? Stefan

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 24, 2004 02:58 AM UTC

Hi stefan, thanx for ur response.. I just changed the type of the column to object and then later cast to Arraylist on retrieval. the exception is gone :) Guess grid supports only primitive data types !!! Sheela >Hi Sheela, > >that doesn''t ring any bells here what could be wrong. Do you have a small example that demonstrates the problem? I will have to debug into it to find out what might be wrong. > >I am also not sure if the databound grid does support DataColumn with type ArrayList at all. > >Can you remove that column from the DataTable before you bind it to the DataBoundGrid? > >Stefan >

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