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Unexpected behavior of the TabbedMDIManager - Urgent, please help.

Hi, I apologize for the long post, but I just want to provide you as much info as possible so that you can help me faster. I also attach the sample project. I have an MDI main form with a menu, a toolbar and 4 other MDI childrens in my application (use TabbedMDIManager). Each MDI child might have one or more tabs (use TabControlAdv). The Mdi child is set to belong to the MDI container as follow: childForm.MdiParent = me childForm.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized childForm.Show() After the mdi child is set, the child would show but the tab for it is nowhere to be seen. If I change the window state of the mdi child form to normal, then the tab display, but the child form display incorrectly upon resize. I want to maximize the child form, though. How do I make the tab visible? And how do prevent the icon of the child form from displaying? I used Me.mTabMDI.UseIconsInTabs = False but I guess the tab is invisible so the icon is shown next to the menu instead. Last question: how do I add menu item to an item in the MdiListMenuItem of the Mdi form. For example: MDI form has a child form called Contracts which associate to the menu item called "Contracts" (let''s called ContractsMenuItem). The child form "Contracts" has many contracts (user controls) in it. Each contract has a name and should associate with a menu item that belongs to the ContractsMenuItem. ContractsMenuItem (Mdi tab menu item) |_________ Contract1MenuItem |_________ Contract2MenuItem |_________ Contract3MenuItem How do you add Contract1MenuItem, Contract1MenuItem, Contract1MenuItem to ContractsMenuItem? Can you please get back to me ASAP for I have a demo at 5:00 today. Thanks in advance. My Syncfusion version is, .NET Framework 1.1 TestTabMDIManager_3484.zip

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 22, 2004 09:25 PM UTC

Hi Khoi Phan, Thanks for the test sample, but I am afraid, we will not be able to address these issues before the above mentioned time limit. Our sincere aplogies in this regard. 1. Presently the TabbedMDIManager displays the tabs of the child forms only when the child forms are in Normal mode. Our TabbedMDIManager framework is modelled on the VS.NET IDE''s TabbedMDi framework and we have incorporated similar behavior (no support for MD child forms in Maximized state) for consistency purposes. Please provide us more information on your requirements here. How and where should the tabs be of the Maximized child forms be displayed? A screenshot showing the same would be of great help. 2. Apparently the Form.Icon on the MDI child form cannot be hidden in the .NET framework controls. Please refer to the Microsoft discussion thread below : Discussion Thread on hiding MDI child form Icon But you could achieve this by setting the TabbedMDIManager.UseIconsInTabs to false. As you can see in your sample, the MDI tabs do not have any icons. 3. According to my understanding you wish to have a MDIListMenuItem which would not only list the MDI child forms but also each of the menu items have a sub menu which would display the UserControls on each of the MDI child forms. Presently neither the .NET MDIListMenuItem nor the Syncfusion XPMenus MDIListBarItem support such a feature. However, we could consider this as a feature request for a future release of Essential Suite. We appreciate your continued interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

KP Khoi Phan September 23, 2004 04:07 PM UTC

Thanks for the reply. I have already found solutions for my questions. One more thing that I am wondering is that is there a way to make sure that the mdi child forms resize correctly when the mdi container resizes? It seems like when the mdi parent resizes, the mdi child forms resize as well, but incorrectly (due to the incorrect size of the mdi child form). Therefore the controls, and user controls inside the mdi form resize incorrectly, as well. This is my solution: Use these lines in the resize handler of the MDI foreach(Form form in this.MdiChildren) if(typeOf(form) == System.Windows.Form) Then form.Size = New Size(this.ClientSize.Width - 4, this.ClientSize.Height) Is there any other way to trigger the resize event of the mdi child forms when the mdi parent form resizes? Khoi

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