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Hi, I have a problem with ActivateControl() of the DockingManager: I have created a Form with a couple of docked windows with one docking window being tabbed (2 docking windows in one group). In my Form_Load I call up ActivateControl() to have one of the two tabbed windows being the active one. I have then cleared the Isolated Storage to make sure no data is available (and because of SP1). When I now run the application, I get an Assertion: "control has not been enabled for docking". Well, I thought, check whether the control is docked: IsFloating(); same thing: Assertion. Am I missing anything here? Regards Kai Iske DWS Investments

1 Reply

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team December 4, 2002 12:14 PM UTC

Kai, The Form.Load event is not a good place to perform any custom initialization of the docking windows layout, as the docking windows are in an as yet uninitialized state. You will have to do your initialization from a handler for the DockingManager.NewDockStateEndLoad event. Please refer to the following Tools KB article, http://www.syncfusion.com/KB/Tools/Tools_c35c.asp#q564q The latest Essential Suite 1.5 Service Pack 1 release includes a fix for the ActivateControl() method. Please download the update. Prakash Syncfusion, Inc.

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