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Clearing of labels from a symbol

Currently my application adds my custom symbol to the diagram from the palette. This symbol contains 2 labels which I added in Symbol Designer. My goal is to add my own labels to the symbol when it has been added to the diagram. Currently I have had no joy so instead am trying to clear the existing labels. When the user clicks a button then the following code is invoked: private void btnAddLabel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DiagramForm frm = (DiagramForm)ActiveMdiChild; foreach (Symbol sym in frm.Diagram.Model.Nodes) { foreach (Label lbl in sym.Labels) MessageBox.Show(lbl.Text); sym.Labels.Clear(); } However, the labels are not removed from the screen. When I inspect the Labels property of the Symbol there are no labels. Should I be calling another method to refresh the diagram? I have tried each of the following afterwards but to no avail. frm.Diagram.Refresh(); frm.Diagram.View.Update(): Help appreciated. Jimski

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 04:31 PM UTC

Hi Jimski You should use the Symbol''s Remove() or RemoveAt() Method to remove the labels from the symbol. Here is a code snippet which demonstrates how you can remove labels of a custom symbol: MySymbol(s) in a Diagram: //Remove Lables in MySymbol foreach (MySymbol sym in this.diagram1.Model.Nodes) { for (int i=sym.Labels.Count-1; i>=0; i--) { sym.Labels.RemoveAt(i); } } this.diagram1.Refresh(); } Regards Arun

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