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CurrentCell edit

Hi, I am using a DBDG grid control I am using Grid_CellDoubleClick event which i am using to show another windows form, but when close the windows form and come back, the current cell will be in editing mode, if i double click on the cell, CellDoubleClick event is not occuring. i gave grid.currentcell.beginedit() in grid_CurrentCellStartEditing and grid.currentcell.endedit() in grid_CurrentCellEditingComplete its working fine but there is issues of refresh of windows form happening very lately.. grid_CurrentCellStartEditing event is going for many loops when i added this stattement grid.currentcell.beginedit(). is there any better solution thanks , seash

6 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 08:59 AM UTC

I am not sure what you want. If you do not want the currentcell to be editing when the new form closes, then in your Grid_CellDoubleClick handler before you open the new form, try calling grid.CurrentCell.EndEdit to to see if that will take care of this problem. You should not call grid.CurrentCell.BeginEdit from within a grid.CurrentCellStartEditing event handler as calling BeginEdit raises this event. If you will give more details about what behavior you want to see, we may be able to suggest something.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 09:46 AM UTC

Hi Clay how to end edit mode of a current cell after double clicking on that cell. I am having grid_CellDoubleClick event on the grid. so when i double click on any cell, i will be showing a windows form. when i close the window form. the current cell(which has been double clicked) still will be in edit mode. if i double click again on the same cell(which is in edit mode, cursor will be appearing in the cell) grid_CellDoubleClick event will not be occuring or happening, which it is supposed to happen. before calling the windows form in grid_CellDoubleClick event i added the code grid.CurrentCell.EndEdit but the current cell is in still edit mode seash. >I am not sure what you want. > >If you do not want the currentcell to be editing when the new form closes, then in your Grid_CellDoubleClick handler before you open the new form, try calling grid.CurrentCell.EndEdit to to see if that will take care of this problem. > >You should not call grid.CurrentCell.BeginEdit from within a grid.CurrentCellStartEditing event handler as calling BeginEdit raises this event. > >If you will give more details about what behavior you want to see, we may be able to suggest something.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 10:18 AM UTC

>>how to end edit mode of a current cell after double clicking on that cell. In your Grid_CellDoubleClick handler before you open the new form, try calling grid.CurrentCell.EndEdit.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 10:33 AM UTC

I tried this statement but its not working seash

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 10:52 AM UTC

It seems to work for me as long as ActivateCurrentCellBehavior is not SetCurrent. Here is a little sample. WindowsApplication1_5593.zip

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 17, 2004 12:07 PM UTC

Thanks clay seash

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