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Dinamic Left image on treenode

I would like to be able to put an image on the left of the node based on the leaves of that node. I only see in the documentation how to put images on the left of nodes using ImageLists. If I want to put an arbitrary image, do I need to handle the on paint event?. Can you give a little idea of the even and may be a little code on this? thanks for the help luis guerra

1 Reply

LG Luis Guerra September 16, 2004 08:18 PM UTC

set to true the OwnerDrawNodes and then handle the BeforeNodePaint event as follows. This paints the image at the left of the control, but I find it may be preferable that being next to the left of the text. private void treeCustom_BeforeNodePaint(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.TreeNodeAdvPaintEventArgs e) { Rectangle clientRectangle= e.Bounds; Point TextLocation=e.TextLocation; if (TextLocation.X
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