I am trying to run a little projet with a reference to your syncfusion.tools code.
I cant step into your code!
With the F12 key (element definition), I always go to the object explorator window......
I ran the assembly manager, and use debug version...I created a new solution with a VB EXE project, and open your syncfusion.tools.csproj...
I am missing something?
Thanks for your help!
September 13, 2004 01:08 PM UTC
I''ve tried all you answered in your post (http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=11843) BUT It never stops on breakpoints in YOUR code.
My code is in VB.Net.
I just use a dateTimePickeradv on my form, and I have putted a breakpoint in DateTimePickerAdv.Cs on processcmdkey function. I ran the project, I tested the control by seizing characters, and it didn''t stop.
What''s wrong with way off testing ?
Thank you,
Lo Pazzo.
Syncfusion Team
September 14, 2004 04:00 PM UTC
Hi lobrys,
I will have to do some more testing, but I believe that this is standard behavior when attempting to use F12 to go to an element definition that is contained in a project not currently into the solution. This is different than being able to step into the code via F11, or by setting a breakpoint in our code and debugging.
Syncfusion Team
September 14, 2004 04:06 PM UTC
Hi Lo Pazzo,
First, make sure that your project is referencing the assemblies found in the public assembly folder (e.g. c:\Program Files\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\Assemblies). This is the location that the Assembly Manager will place the built debug versions of the Syncfusion assemblies.
If the references were manually added to point to a different directory (for example the prebuilt assemblies directory), then you would not actually be linking to the debug version.
Also,you specify that you are not able to hit a breakpoint in our code - are you able to step into our code, for example using F11 to step into myDateTimePicker = new DateTimePickerAdv();?
September 16, 2004 08:42 AM UTC
Hi Trampas,
All is OK.
My project wasn''t referencing to the good assemblies.
Thank you very much,
Have a nice day,
Lo Pazzo