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DBG Dates

Hi, I''ve got a DBG that is taking data from an Oracle table. One of the columns of the table is in DateTime format and when the grid loads it it is using a calender cell type. I need it to be just a normal text cell. How do I force it to display the date as normal text? Thanks, Gordon

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 10, 2004 12:18 PM UTC

There is a static (Shared in VB) member of the GridModelDataBinder.AutoInitCellTypes that you can set to control this functionality. So, at the top of your form’s constructor, before the call to InitializeComponent(), you can add: GridModelDataBinder.AutoInitCellTypes = false;

GR Gordon Rhea September 10, 2004 12:27 PM UTC

That did the trick. Thanks for the quick respons.

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