Hi Kagan,
Thanks for the update. I do see this problem here when the TabControlAdv is in MultiLine mode, and have notified the development team in this regard. For now you could use the following workaround.
// Handle the button''s Click event as shown below
bool flag = false;
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (flag == false)
if (this.tabControlAdv1.Multiline == true)
this.tabControlAdv1.Multiline = false;
if (this.tabControlAdv1.SelectedTab == this.tabPageAdv2)
this.tabControlAdv1.SelectedTab = this.tabPageAdv3;
this.tabPageAdv2.TabVisible = flag;
this.tabControlAdv1.Multiline = true;
this.tabControlAdv1.Multiline = false;
this.tabPageAdv2.TabVisible = flag;
this.tabControlAdv1.Multiline = true;
flag = !flag;
complete sample illustrating this workaround is attached here. Please refer to it and let me know if this works for you. We appreciate your feedback.
Guru Patwal
Syncfusion, Inc.