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Columns moving by mouse

Hi All. I can''t allow columns moving by mouse. Please look at my grid in attached file. ColumnsMoving_9185.zip I want to allow moving of columns Symbol, Compress, Date, ... MovAvg3, MovAvg1 in the whole grid. But columns Plot1, Plot2, Plot3 can be moved only inside column MovAvg3. Please notice, that my grid is binded to datasource with 2 linked tables. At the picture header of root table is hidden. You can see headers of nested table only. How an I resolve my problem? Thx a lot.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team September 3, 2004 05:26 AM UTC

Here is a link to a forum thread that has a sample that does column moves just by mousing down on the column header and dragging. (The defulat behavior is to select columns, and then mouse down on the selected column header to drag them.) http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=9676 In this DragOnFirstClick sample, you have access to the source column and then target column in the code as well as the drag cursor being displayed. You could probably add checks to display the nodrag cursor and prevent the drop if the source column and target columns are not related properly. The reason I trying to modify this support is that you have covered cells over two rows in your headers, and some of the headers you want to drag are not in row 0. This will be problematic when you try to using teh default column dragging.

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