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Legend won''t hide

I try to hide my legend and there continues to be a square box from the legend symbol. I just can''t get the legend to hide. cc.Legend.ShowSymbol - false; cc.Legend.Visible = false; Is there anything that could possibly be overriding this?? thanks

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 31, 2004 09:45 AM UTC

See http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/forums/message.aspx?MessageID=15691 I think this is the same thing happening for me. I worked around it by using these three lines: cc.LegendPosition = ChartLegendPosition.Floating; cc.Legend.FloatingAutoSize = false; cc.Legend.Location = new Point(1300, 20) // Just make sure X value goes off the boundaries of your visible outputted chart image.

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