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I have accomplished to create an image

I have a class (MySymbol) derived from Symbol. and in Mysymbol I had put a field BitmapNode and append child it to my instance. The problem is that the image appears far from the center of the symbol and when I move it it seems to mode exponentially far.... to right direction, and closer in left direction. How can I center the image in my symbol and use it just as a symbol ? Thanks.

5 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 26, 2004 06:56 PM UTC

Hi Rui, Here is a sample that demonstrates what you are looking for. MySymbol is a custom Symbol which consists of an outer rectangle and a inner BitmapNode that is at the center of the outer rectangle. Take a look at the code in MySymbol''s constructor where the innerimage''s X and Y (i.e. the center of the BitmapNode) are set to center it inside the outer rectangle as per your requirement. Regards Arun

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 27, 2004 09:10 AM UTC

Ok... I''m now able to insert a symbol/image. The problem I can''t resolve now is: -with a rectangle symbol, the link between two symbols was starting and ending in the rectangles limit. Now, the links start and end in the image center... I don''t want that. I want to links to start and end at the limit of the symbol. Can anyone help ? Thanks >Hi Rui, > >Here is a sample that demonstrates what you are looking for. MySymbol is a custom Symbol which consists of an outer rectangle and a inner BitmapNode that is at the center of the outer rectangle. > >Take a look at the code in MySymbol''s constructor where the innerimage''s X and Y (i.e. the center of the BitmapNode) are set to center it inside the outer rectangle as per your requirement. > >Regards >Arun

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 27, 2004 11:09 AM UTC

Hi Rui, Calling: this.CenterPort.AttachAtPerimeter = true; will ensure that the link will terminate at the boundary of your symbol. Regards Arun

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 27, 2004 11:48 AM UTC

I''m sorry but I tried to insert it in the symbols constructors code but it did not work. Where should I insert the code ? >Hi Rui, > >Calling: >this.CenterPort.AttachAtPerimeter = true; > >will ensure that the link will terminate at the boundary of your symbol. > >Regards >Arun >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 27, 2004 05:05 PM UTC

Hi Rui, Here is a sample demonstarting what was desscribed in the previous posting. Run the sample and try creating links between MySymbol and MyTriangle. Take a look at the underlying code in MySymbol.cs for MyTriangle. You will see that: this.CenterPort.AttachAtPerimeter = true; if you set it to true and then try creating links to MyTriangle, it will terminate at the center instead of the edge. Regards Arun

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