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Multiple resources types in same resource parent type


I'm trying to use the scheduler component with multiple resources types, having the same parent resource type

For example, let's say we have some tasks which can  be bind to students and rooms.

I would like to have an architecture looking like this :

- Parent resources : array of 2 resources named Students and Rooms, with given id 0 and 1

    => Child resource 1 :  Students => Array of object with a name, an id, and a parent resource id (0 : Students)

    => Child resource 2 : Rooms => Array of object with a name, an id, and a parent resource id (1 : Rooms)

Ex :

Students (parent resource type and directive)

    Student 1 (student resource type and directive )

    Student 2 (student resource type and directive )

Rooms (parent resource type and directive )

    Room 1 (room resource type and directive )

    Room 2 (room resource type and directive )

It seems that Scheduler resources will render only the last child resources, as if the other doesn't exist or breaks shceduler resources (if i switch the order of ResourceDirective component, only Students or only Rooms will get rendered)

Thing is : My tasks have two different props to bind them to resources : StudentId and RoomId. So I can't merge Students and Rooms into one collection, cause their ids might collide (ex: StudentId: 1, RoomId: 1) and when I will drag a task from Room1 to Room2, i won't be able to know which id to update :is it a Student Id or a Room Id ?

So, with that said, is this type of configuration possible ? If not, is there a work around ? and is it planned to be implemented in further versions ?

Tanks a lot for reading,


1 Reply

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team May 3, 2023 01:24 PM UTC

Hi Donald,

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-react-multiple-schedule-for-different-resources?file=TimelineScheduler.js

We regret to let you know that according to the current Scheduler architecture, it’s not possible to render two different types of child resource types under the same type of parent resource. So, we suggest you render individual Schedulers for each child resource type. Try the shared sample and let us know if you need any further assistance on this.


Ravikumar Venkatesan

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