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On Demand Paging / Data & Filtering Issue

I have implemented On Demand paging and it's working until you select a column to filter. When a filter is selected, The column filtering modal appears and the distinct values that you can filter by is disabled and hidden and a spinner is displayed. I believe that there is a process to go to to the data source and select the distinct values for that column for the complete data set, but I can't find any API or examples of the correct flow to accomplish this.

Can you provide a FULL example of On Demand with Filtering so that I can see the workflow that should be followed? What method(s) need to be used to populate the filter modal and allow the user to select a filter value and proceed out of the filtering modal?

1 Reply

RR Rajapandi Ravi Syncfusion Team April 7, 2023 11:55 AM UTC

Hi Camille,

Greetings from Syncfusion support

On-Demand grid actions help you to improve the performance for large data application. To achieve On-Demand in the grid, use UrlAdaptor. After defined DataManager, grid will request an AJAX POST for data. It will be sent to the specified data service for every grid actions with the needed parameters. This query parameters will help you to perform server-side operations for grid. We have already discussed about your requirement in our documentation which can be accessed from the below link,

Documentation: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/aspnetcore/documentation/grid/data-binding/remote-data#handling-on-demand-grid-actions


Rajapandi R

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