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Row dropped on grid different to target

When I drag and drop on a grid that is not the target grid and also has the draganddrop property set to false, the dragged drop does not disappear from the UI.

1 Reply

PS Prathap Senthil Syncfusion Team April 4, 2023 05:51 AM UTC

Hi Jose,

Query:When I drag and drop on a grid that is not the target grid and also has the draganddrop property set to false, the dragged drop does not disappear from the UI.”

Based on the reported issue, we created a simple sample and tried to reproduce the issue, but we were not able to reproduce it from our side in the version [21.1.38]. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of our software to see if that resolves the issue. We have included a gif file and sample for your reference. If the issue persists, we kindly request that you provide a simple reproducible sample, or if possible, try modifying the attached sample to see if the issue can be reproduced there. We appreciate your cooperation and hope to resolve this issue for you as soon as possible.

Prathap S

Attachment: Sample_and_Gif_file_17a93a46.zip

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