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Gantt Chart - Crud operations with Mongodb


Please how do perform crud operations on syncfusion gantt chart using Mongodb database and blazor server? 

Is there any other option other than using DataManager? Can I not grab the updated gantt data from the UI (Client side) and submit that to my database without sending it to your server?


1 Reply

DA Divya Ayyachamy Syncfusion Team March 25, 2023 05:25 AM UTC

Hi Stephen,

We have prepared a Blazor Gantt Chart sample and fetched data from MongoDB. We bound the data to the Gantt Chart through SfDataManager using UrlAdaptor as shown below.


<SfGantt TValue="TaskData">

    <SfDataManager Url=http://localhost:5020/api/GanttURL BatchUrl=http://localhost:5020/api/GanttURL/BatchUpdate Adaptor="Adaptors.UrlAdaptor"></SfDataManager>


Please refer the below documentation link for more details.


We have also updated Gantt on CRUD operations like add, edit, and delete.

In the provided sample, we have created a database called GanttData and collections as TaskData. The following code snippet demonstrates how to fetch data and update the database on CRUD operations.

public class TaskDataAccessLayer : ITaskData


    private MongoClient mongoClient = null;

    private IMongoDatabase mongoDatabase = null;

    private IMongoCollection<TaskData> ganttTable = null;


    public TaskDataAccessLayer()


        mongoClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/");

        mongoDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("GanttData");

        ganttTable = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<TaskData>("TaskData");


    public async void AddRecord(TaskData data)



        await ganttTable.InsertOneAsync(data);



    public async void DeleteRecord(int taskId)



        await ganttTable.DeleteOneAsync(x => x.taskID == taskId);



    public async Task<List<TaskData>> GetAllRecords()



        var records = ganttTable.Find(FilterDefinition<TaskData>.Empty).ToListAsync();

        return await records;



    public async void UpdateRecord(TaskData data)



        await ganttTable.ReplaceOneAsync(x => x.taskID == data.taskID, data);




Please find the complete example and sample JSON data used to render Gantt in the provided sample from the below link.

Sample - https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/BlazorMongoApp_(1)-299607299


Pooja K.

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