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Customise cell background

I'm trying to customise the cell background, and none of the SyncFusion examples work. The idea is to modify the Style, but I don't know which TargetType to use. The documentation refers to GridCell, but I get an InvalidOperationException saying that "'GridCell' TargetType does not match type of element 'GridCell'". Other documentation says to target VirtualizingCellsControl, but the compiler says that it doesn't have a Background property. So what should I use as the TargetType? Or is there another way to change the cell background?

I've attached a project which demonstrates this issue.

Attachment: GridCell_fc132cdd.zip

1 Reply

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team March 14, 2023 02:39 PM UTC

Hi Russell,

We have checked the reported issue with the provided details. This issue occurs because of ambiguity in the GridCell and it can be resolved by adding a separate namespace for the DataGrid as shown below,


<grid:SfDataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">


        <grid:GridCheckBoxColumn MappingName="Selected" AllowEditing="True">


                <Style TargetType="grid:GridCell">

                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightBlue"/>




        <grid:GridTextColumn MappingName="Name">


                <Style TargetType="grid:GridCell">

                    <Setter Property="Background" Value="LightBlue"/>






Here, we have attached the modified sample with the above suggestion, please have a look at this.


Dhanasekar M.

If this post is helpful, please consider Accepting it as the solution so that other members can locate it more quickly.

Attachment: GridCell_427c299e.zip

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