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TabView SelectedIndex is not working properly


SelectedIndex is not working properly.

Selects the correct tab, but in preview it doesn't

2 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

VV Vijayakumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team March 6, 2023 03:09 PM UTC

Hi Davi,

We have fixed the reported issue “SelectedIndex is not working properly.” Currently, the custom patch was generated in the 20.4.52 version. We have shared the NuGet file in the attachment.


Please note that we have created this patch for version  20.4.52 specifically, to resolve the issue reported in this ticket. If you have received other patches for the same version for other products, please apply all patches in the order received.


Note: Please refer to the below link to apply the custom patch,




We will include the fix in our upcoming weekly release on March 7/2023. We appreciate your patience until then.


Disclaimer: The inclusion of this solution in the weekly release may change due to other factors, including but not limited to QA checks and work reprioritization.

Attachment: Syncfusion.Maui.TabView.20.4.52_a36758e4.zip

Marked as answer

VV Vijayakumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team March 8, 2023 05:41 AM UTC

Hi Davi,

Thanks for your patience.

We have included the fix in our latest weekly NuGet release 20.4.53 which is available for download (https://www.nuget.org/ ). We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this update. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.

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