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Docking manager - 2 left docking controls

Hi, I need to dock some tree controls as the user loads them and I am using: this.mainForm.appDockingManager.DockControl(ctrl, parent, DockingStyle.Left, ctrl.Bounds.Width); This then puts the two controls on the left side-by-side. I want the two controls to be on the left but on top of each other. How can I do this? I cannot use the design time editor. Cheers.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 24, 2004 07:06 AM UTC

Hi Stuart, You can do that by docking the second control by specifying the first control as the parent and specifying the docking style as "Tabbed". this.mainForm.appDockingManager.DockControl(ctrl, parent, DockingStyle.Left, ctrl.Bounds.Width); this.mainForm.appDockingManager.DockControl(ctrl2, ctrl1, DockingStyle.Tabbed, ctrl2.Bounds.Width); Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Best regards, Stephen. >Hi, > >I need to dock some tree controls as the user loads them and I am using: > >this.mainForm.appDockingManager.DockControl(ctrl, parent, DockingStyle.Left, ctrl.Bounds.Width); > >This then puts the two controls on the left side-by-side. I want the two controls to be on the left but on top of each other. How can I do this? I cannot use the design time editor. > >Cheers. > >

ST Stuart Turner August 24, 2004 07:36 AM UTC

Sorry, By on top of each other I mean one control is above the other i.e. the first tree is in the upper left hand corner and the other tree is in the bottom left hand corner but both trees are docked to the left. Each tree should take up half of the height of the main form. Thankyou.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 24, 2004 10:16 AM UTC

Hi Stuart, Sorry for the confusion. You can dock the second control to the bottom of the first control and then specify the height. this.mainForm.appDockingManager.DockControl(ctrl, parent, DockingStyle.Left, ctrl.Bounds.Width); this.mainForm.appDockingManager.DockControl(ctrl2, ctrl, DockingStyle.Bottom, parent.Bounds.Height/2); Thanks, Stephen. >Sorry, > >By on top of each other I mean one control is above the other i.e. the first tree is in the upper left hand corner and the other tree is in the bottom left hand corner but both trees are docked to the left. >Each tree should take up half of the height of the main form. > >Thankyou. >

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