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Change devexpress grid to sfgrid


I have project made with devexpress. I'm trying to change with syncfusion. I have function. I couldn't change it.

devexpress has a method which is called " SetDataRowSelected ". Is there a function in  syncfusion. Or which method I can use?

    public void SetDataRowSelected(TDataGridItem item)


        ((DxDataGrid<TDataGridItem>)DataGrid).SetDataRowSelected(item, true);


5 Replies

SP Sarveswaran Palani Syncfusion Team February 28, 2023 03:47 AM UTC

Hi Kemal,

Greetings from Syncfusion support.

we would like to inform you that currently, we do not have a "SetDataRowSelected" method available in our Syncfusion component. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


KE Kemal March 20, 2023 01:05 PM UTC


I'm using abp framework. And I have project with devexpress. I want to change from devexpress to syncfusion. That's why I Need code like below.

       public void SetDataRowSelected(T dataRow, bool selected)


            if (selected)









if you can help me. I'll be glad. Thank you

SP Sarveswaran Palani Syncfusion Team March 22, 2023 03:56 AM UTC

Hi Kemal,

From your query, we suspect that you want to select row programmatically in a Component. We suggest you to use SelectRow inbuilt method to overcome the issue. Kindly refer the attached API for your reference.

Reference: https://help.syncfusion.com/cr/blazor/Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.SfGrid-1.html#Syncfusion_Blazor_Grids_SfGrid_1_SelectRowAsync_System_Double_System_Nullable_System_Boolean__

If we misunderstood your query, kindly share more details about your requirement with precise details to us, based on that we’ll evaluate and provide solution ASAP from our end.


KE Kemal April 1, 2023 01:42 PM UTC


I'm really sorry. I had tried many options. I am sure you understand my knowledge ( not so much ). Thats why I need a method in syncfusion like below. This method effect all the list page. For me it is difficult to write extensions method. If you can help me I will be happy. Thanks again.

public void SetDataRowSelected(T dataRow, bool selected)


            if (selected)









SP Sarveswaran Palani Syncfusion Team April 4, 2023 04:08 AM UTC

Hi Kemal,

Based on your query, we understand that you are facing an issue with deselecting a row programmatically. To address your issue, we suggest that you use the ClearSelection built-in method to overcome the problem. The ClearSelection method provides a simple and effective way to clears all the selected cells and rows programmatically in a Grid. We have attached an API reference that provides detailed information on how to use this method and its parameters.

Reference: https://help.syncfusion.com/cr/blazor/Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.SfGrid-1.html#Syncfusion_Blazor_Grids_SfGrid_1_ClearSelectionAsync


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