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gridunboundcolumn & gridtablesummaryrow

I tried using this example, but it doesn't work. I want to use GridUnBoundColumn to perform certain calculations, and then to display the results in GridSummaryColumn.





                    Expression="PrixAchat * Qte"



                <syncfusion:GridTableSummaryRow Title=" Total Price : {PriceAmount} ShowSummaryInRow="True">





                            SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />

7 Replies

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team February 21, 2023 01:26 PM UTC

Hi Walid,

We have checked the reported issue with the provided details. In that, the table summary content for the GridUnBoundColumn will be displayed properly as expected. Here we have attached the tested sample and video demo. Please have a look at this. If you are still facing the reported issue, modify the attached sample based on your scenario and share the video illustration for the reported issue. It will be helpful for us to check on it and provide you with a solution as soon as possible.

Dhanasekar M.

Attachment: Sample__Video_demo_43fda9f1.zip

WA Walid February 21, 2023 11:47 PM UTC

I tried your code, thank you bay for the way it works, but the SummaryColumns don't update in runtime, as shown in the attached video.

Attachment: Unbound_3de645c.zip

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team February 22, 2023 12:10 PM UTC


We have checked the reported issue in the provided details. In that, you are modifying the Quantity column’s value the Grand Total values get updated depending on the changes. And we have checked that the TableSummaryValue does not get updated while enabling the ShowSummaryInRow. We have checked the reported issue “The insert option does not work properly after cutting the required cells” on our end and it is confirmed as a defect. And We have logged a bug. We will include this fix in our NuGet release which is scheduled on March 14, 2023.

You can track the status of this report through the following feedback link,

Feedback Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/41422/the-table-summary-value-does-not-update-properly-in-runtime-while-enabling-the

If you are adding the table summary row without a title and disabling the ShowSummaryInRow then the summary value gets updated as expected as shown in the modified sample.

Note: The provided feedback link is private, and you need to log in to view this feedback.

We appreciate your patience until then.

Attachment: UnBoundColumnDemo__d1f7b71b.zip

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team March 14, 2023 02:04 PM UTC


We regret the inconvenience caused,

We are unable to include the fix for this issue in our NuGet package which is released today. We will include the fix in our first NuGet release of after the Essential Studio 2023 Volume 1 Main release, which will be rolled out at the beginning of April.

We will let you know once it is released. We appreciate your patience until then.

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team March 29, 2023 02:18 PM UTC


We would like to let you know that Essential Studio Weekly NuGet packages (v21.1.37) have been published in nuget.org with the fix for the issue “The table summary value does not update properly in runtime while enabling the ShowSummaryInRow” Please let us know if you have any concerns about this.

WA Walid April 12, 2023 02:20 AM UTC

hello i tried the update but the same think

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team April 12, 2023 02:03 PM UTC


We are a little unclear about what you are trying to convey with your last update. We suspect that you are facing the same (Reported) issue even after updating the Syncfusion version(v21.1.37). We have rechecked the reported issue with the mentioned version (v21.1.37). The reported issue no longer occurs with this version, here we have attached the tested video demo for your reference, please have a look at this. If you still facing the reported issue, please share the issue reproducible sample with the Video illustration of the reported scenario. It will be helpful for us to check the cause of the issue and to provide a solution at the earliest. 

Attachment: TestedVideo_2b9ab95e.zip

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