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fragmenting a PHP webpage

In order to link to several bootstrap CSS files and my CSS file, I developed a php webpage with a head section. The relevant jQuery and bootstrap JavaScript files are linked in the foot section of this page. That's all well and good, and I can see that Bootstrap has taken over and stylized the text when I open this.php in Firefox, so I know it is working. When I attempt to divide this homepage into its component parts, the issue arises.

The identical text as before was divided into separate head.html and foot.html files, and on the.php page I use the following include statements:

Now that the text is not formatted, it is obvious that the links have not functioned when I open the PHP from my browser. When I choose to "view source" the.php file, I can see that the literal statements are still there and that the markup from the head.html and foot.html files has not been included. What went wrong, exactly? Since I am attempting to run the PHP page locally, this may be the cause. I am confident that the relative file paths are right. Maybe the components should be in.php format rather than.html? I have no idea.

Additional information: I tried using notepad++ on Windows 7 because Dreamweaver keeps crashing when I ask it to "preview in browser."

1 Reply

LD LeoLavanya Dhanaraj Syncfusion Team February 1, 2023 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Sim,

Greetings from Syncfusion support.

From your shared details, we are not sure whether your query is related to our Syncfusion products. However, we have shared some general blogs for suggestions to resolve your query.




Please check out the above-mentioned links and get back to us if you need any further assistance with the Syncfusion components.


Leo Lavanya Dhanaraj

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