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Customize grid lines


How to customize thickness and color of grid lines for setting GridLines="GridLine.Both" ?

Thank you.

1 Reply

PS Prathap Senthil Syncfusion Team January 18, 2023 09:46 AM UTC

Hi Paulo,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding customizing the thickness and color of grid lines when using "GridLines = GridLine.Both". We have a solution for you, you can use the following CSS to change the color of the grid lines. Please refer to the attached code snippet and sample for your reference.


Description automatically generated


    .e-grid .e-gridheader, .e-grid .e-headercell, .e-grid .e-rowcell, .e-grid {

        border-color: orange;


        border-width:2px !important;





Prathap S

Attachment: DataGridLine_d77933fd.zip

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