Hi David,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
Query: “I need to change the background color of a cell
based on the value of another cell (selecting the value from a combobox). The
grid is in batch edit mode.”
After reviewing your request, we have implemented a JavaScript
solution that uses the OnCellSave handler which trigger when a value is changed
using Batch mode. By passing the row and cell index using javascript interop,
we were able to apply colors to the nearby cell. This same approach can also be
used to handle and apply colors to cells as per your requirements.
Kindly check the attached code snippet and sample for your
<SfGrid @ref="_pickOrderGrid" DataSource="@Orders" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" Toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" })" Height="315">
<GridEvents OnCellSave="CellSaveHandler" TValue="Order"></GridEvents>
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(Order.ShipCountry) HeaderText="Ship
Country" EditType="EditType.DropDownEdit" Width="150">
<SfComboBox ID="ShipCountry" TItem="Country" TValue="string" @bind-Value="@((context as Order).ShipCountry)" DataSource="@Countries">
<ComboBoxFieldSettings Value="CountryName" Text="CountryName"></ComboBoxFieldSettings>
@code {
public List<Order> Orders {
get; set; }
_pickOrderGrid { get; set; }
public async Task
CellSaveHandler(CellSaveArgs<Order> args)
var ColumnIndex = await _pickOrderGrid.GetColumnIndexByFieldAsync(args.ColumnName);
var rowindex = await
var index = args.ColumnObject.Index + 1;
JSInterop.InvokeVoidAsync("highlightHeader",index, rowindex);
= function (colIndex, rowindex) {
var a = document.getElementsByClassName("e-row")[rowindex];
var b = a.getElementsByClassName('e-rowcell')[colIndex].style.backgroundColor
= "pink";
Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/BLAZOR~11247359946.zip
Please let us know if you have any concerns.