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How to set multiple selected values to combobox

I have added combobox in xamarin form.

<SfPicker:SfComboBox x:Name="GrpBy" DropDownCornerRadius="05" FontAttributes="None" SuggestionMode="Contains" IsEditableMode="true" ShowSuggestionsOnFocus="true"

HeightRequest="40" MultiSelectMode="Token" IsSelectedItemsVisibleInDropDown="False" TextHighlightMode="MultipleOccurrence" HighlightedTextColor="Red"


I retrieved the multiple selected values but now I want to set those selected values again to combobox. Please how to set multiple items to combobox as seleceted items.

3 Replies

SR Shivani Ramakrishnan Syncfusion Team January 13, 2023 12:25 PM UTC

Hi Amish,


Query: "Setting Multiple Selected Value In SfComboBox


We have checked the reported query and we can set mutiple selected value using SelectedItem property. We have binded the SelectedItem value using ObservableCollection. We have prepared a sample for your reference. Please get the sample from the attachments. Here is the code snippet:


<SfPicker:SfComboBox x:Name="GrpBy" DropDownCornerRadius="05" FontAttributes="None" SuggestionMode="Contains" IsEditableMode="true" ShowSuggestionsOnFocus="true"
 DataSource="{Binding EmployeeCollection}"  DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedEmployee, Mode=TwoWay}" HeightRequest="40" MultiSelectMode="Token" IsSelectedItemsVisibleInDropDown="False" TextHighlightMode="MultipleOccurrence" HighlightedTextColor="Red" EnableAutoSize="True"/>


Please check and let us know if the problem was resolved on your side.




Attachment: ComboBoxApp1_4ff4721f.zip

AM Amish January 16, 2023 12:41 PM UTC


Here in attached example, you have used object model and binding. In my case I am using String List as 

public List<string> DefGrpByFld = new List<string>();

GrpBy.ComboBoxSource = DefGrpByFld;

Please check and solve accordingl

SR Shivani Ramakrishnan Syncfusion Team January 18, 2023 01:23 PM UTC

Hi Amish,


We have checked your requirements and prepared the sample based on your requirements. We have set the SelectedItem value using List<string> in the code behind. We have attached a sample for your reference


Please let us know if the problem is resolved on your side. If issue is not fixed share more details of that issue's replication



Attachment: ComboBoxApp1_5f795f2a.zip

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