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Format GridColumn with comma for decimal

I like to use syncfusion components. And now I need to format my grid column.

So, when I write 1200.00 it format in 1,200.00 on column "Quantita"

I want a different format. I want insert 1200.00 and I want 1.200,00
what type of format I need to use? 
Thank you

1 Reply

VB Vinitha Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team December 27, 2022 02:36 PM UTC

Hi Alberto,

Thank you for reaching out to Syncfusion support.

Query : Format GridColumn with comma for decimal

Before proceeding your query, please share the below requested details. These specifics will enable us to offer a precise solution. 

  • Kindly share whether you want to format a specific column or all the number columns you are using.
  • If possible, please ensure that locale since your requirement can be achievable using locale.


Vinitha Balasubramanian

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