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SfTreeView CheckedItems not updating when the control is placed in a cell of a SfDataGrid


I have a problem and don´t know what can cause this. I am using an SfTreeView inside a templated column in a SfDataGrid. The ItemsSource binding works normally, while the CheckedItems do not show. If I use the  SfTreeView as an individual control then  CheckedItems works.

I made the sample in the attachment.

Thank you,


Attachment: SfDataGrid1_a167ee63.rar

2 Replies

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team December 22, 2022 01:58 PM UTC

Hi Biljana,

We have checked the reported issue “Binding for CheckedItems property is not working when SfTreeView is placed within the DataTemplate” on our end and it is confirmed as a defect. And We have logged a bug. We will include this fix in our NuGet release which is scheduled on January 10, 2023.

You can track the status of this report through the following feedback link,

Feedback Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/39971/binding-for-checkeditems-property-is-not-working-when-sftreeview-is-placed-within  

Note: The provided feedback link is private, and you need to log in to view this feedback.

We appreciate your patience until then.

DM Dhanasekar Mohanraj Syncfusion Team January 10, 2023 10:30 AM UTC


We would like to let you know that Essential Studio Weekly NuGet packages (v20.4.0.43) have been published in nuget.org with the fix for the issue “Binding for CheckedItems property is not working when SfTreeView is placed within the DataTemplate”. Please let us know if you have any concerns about this.

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