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Trigger resize event of PDF viewer


is it possible to trigger a manual resize if the parent container gets resized? We have a custom split view component as a parent of the PdfViewerComponent. We already tried to call the updateViewerContainer function but that doesn't seem to resize the inner component. The outer component (header) seems to resize correctly.



1 Reply 1 reply marked as answer

CK Chinnamunia Karthik Chinna Thambi Syncfusion Team November 30, 2022 10:49 AM UTC

We have shared the sample to update the viewer container while resizing the split component in the below link,

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-yvusmx?file=index.js,index.css,index.html,package.json

Try this sample and revert to us with the following details, if you have any concerns on this. This will be helpful for us to analyze further and provide the details.

  • Modified sample or share the sample in which the issue is reproduced.
  • Replication procedure to reproduce the issue

Note: In the given sample, We are using the Syncfusion splitter component and updating the viewer container on resizeStop event.

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