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Question about BarManagers

I have a form which may sometimes be an MDI child, and sometimes standalone. I'd like it to have a toolbar/menubar if it is standalone, or merge into the main toolbar/menubar if it is MDI. At the moment, I can't figure out how to do this, since apparently I have to use a MainFrameBarManager on the MDI parent form and a ChildFrameBarManager on the other form. I tried using a MainFrameBarManager on both, and it runs except that I get the toolbars on both the main form and the child form. Is there some way that I can do this, maybe by hiding the toolbars when the form is loaded in an MDI parent, and show them otherwise?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 25, 2002 07:54 PM UTC

Steve, This is not supported in our current version. We are however planning to add this feature in our next major version, scheduled for some time early January. We will probably move to a single BarManager (rather than 2 different ones). Hope this can wait till then. Regards, Praveen Ramesh Essential Tools Development Team

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