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Sorting, Filtering not working with Server-side-pagination enabled grid


I am trying to add searching and filtering functionality in a server-side-pagination(fetching data from API using skip and take ​with total count) enabled grid.
But both searching and filtering shows a spinner indefinitely and the grid hangs up.

Please note that I am using DataResult​: { result: Object[], count: number } as my data source to enable server-side-pagination. I have created a minimum demo to reproduce the issue. Please have a look at these links: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-jby2xg?file=app%2Fpagination-grid%2Fpagination-grid.component.ts, https://angular-jby2xg.stackblitz.io/

You can have a look at the following screenshots also.

Searching spin.JPG

filtering spin.JPG

Please let me know what can be done to make this work.


2 Replies

SA Shakir Ahsan June 13, 2022 04:12 AM UTC

Is there any update regarding this?


RR Rajapandi Ravi Syncfusion Team June 13, 2022 12:40 PM UTC

Hi Shakir,

Greetings from Syncfusion support

 Before we start providing solution on your query, We would like to share the behavior of custom-binding in the EJ2 Grid.  

For every grid action(such as FilterPage, etc.,), we have triggered the dataStateChange event and, in that event arguments, we have sent the corresponding action details(like skip, take, filter field, value, sort direction, etc.,) based on that, you can perform the action in your service and return the data as a result and count object.   

dataStateChange: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/api/grid/#datastatechange



  public dataStateChange(state) { 

      // exectue your own service and perform the action with state queries and return the result and count data to the Grid 





  getAsyncData(state) { 

    if (state.where) { 

      var gridqueries = this.grid.getDataModule().generateQuery().queries

      var wherequery

      for (var i = 0i < gridqueries.lengthi++) { 

        if (gridqueries[i].fn == 'onWhere') { 

          wherequery = gridqueries[i].e



      new DataManager({ url: SERVICE_URIadaptor: new ODataAdaptor() }) 

        .executeQuery(new Query().where(wherequery).take(state.take).skip(state.skip)) 

        .then((eany=> { 

         // bind the result and count object to the Grid 

          this.grid.dataSource = { 

            result: e.actual['d']['results'], 

            count: parseInt(e.actual['d']['__count'], 10) 


          return e


    } else { 

      new DataManager({ url: SERVICE_URIadaptor: new ODataAdaptor() }) 

        .executeQuery(new Query().take(state.take).skip(state.skip)) 

        .then((eany=> { 

         // bind the result and count object to the Grid 

          this.grid.dataSource = { 

            result: e.actual['d']['results'], 

            count: parseInt(e.actual['d']['__count'], 10) 


          return e






Note: ‘dataStateChange’ event is not triggered at the Grid initial render. If you are using a remote service, you need to call your remote service by manually with a pagination query (need to set skip value as 0 and take value based on your pageSize of pageSettings in Grid. If you are not defined pageSize in pageSettings, you need to send the default value 12 ) in ngOnInIt. Please return the result like as “{result: […], count: …}” format
to Grid.  



  public ngOnInit(): void { 

    // load initial data by executing your own service with page query and bind result and count value to the Grid 

    new DataManager({ url: SERVICE_URIadaptor: new ODataAdaptor() }) 

      .executeQuery(new Query().take(12).skip(0).expand(['Employee']) 


      .then((eany=> { 

        // bind the current page data to the grid dataSource with result and object format 

        this.grid.dataSource = { 

          result: e.actual['d']['results'], 

          count: parseInt(e.actual['d']['__count'], 10) 






 When you open the filter dialog, the dataStateChange event with requestType (‘filterchoicerequest/stingfilterrequest’) will be triggered. In that event, you need to execute your service and bind the array of object to the state.dataSource method. 

When you search the value in the filter dialog, the dataStateChange event with requestType (‘filtersearchbegin’) will be triggered. In that event, you need to filter the value from your service based on the event argument and bind the array of objects to the state.dataSource method. 


  public dataStateChange(state) { 

    if ( 

      state.action && 

      (state.action.requestType == 'filterchoicerequest' || 

        state.action.requestType == 'filtersearchbegin' || 

        state.action.requestType == 'stringfilterrequest'

    ) { 

   // below code will be executed when open the filter dialog and perform search in the filter dialog 

      state.skip = 0

      // execute your service and bind the data for other columns 

      if (state.where) { 

        new DataManager({ url: SERVICE_URIadaptor: new ODataAdaptor() }).executeQuery

            new Query().where( state.where[0].field, state.where[0].operator, state.where[0].value

          ).then((eany=> { 

            // bind array of Objects 



      } else { 

        new DataManager({ url: SERVICE_URIadaptor: new ODataAdaptor() }) 

          .executeQuery(new Query()) 

          .then((eany=> { 

            // bind array of Objects 




    } else { 

      // exectue your own service and perform the action with state queries and return the result and count data to the Grid 





Find the below sample and documentation for your reference. 

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ws2fqv-a7nlyd?file=app.component.ts

Custom-binding: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/grid/observables/

Execl Filtering in Custom-Binding: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/grid/observables/#provide-excel-filter-data-source

Demo: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/demos/#/material/grid/async-pipe

Note: In the given sample, we have used DataManager to execute our service. You can use your own logic to execute your service and bind the required data to the Grid. 

Please get back to us if you need further assistance with this. 


Rajapandi R

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