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Splitter and the grid

Is there a way to have a only a subset of the grid's columns visible in one of the splitter panes? (I.e. I don't want all the columns in both panes). Also, can I lock the splitter bar, so that the user can't move it? Thanks!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team November 21, 2002 09:47 PM UTC

> Is there a way to have a only a subset of the grid's columns visible in one of the splitter panes? (I.e. I don't want all the columns in both panes). Also, can I lock the splitter bar, so that the user can't move it? Thanks! > There is no way to get this behavior with a splitter because the splitter is just two views on the same GridModel. So, if you hide a column, it is hidden in both views. But if you do not want a column on both sides of the splitter, then you can use Cols.FreezeRange to move 'left-side' columns to the left side of the grid, and then freeze them. This would leave the scrollable columns on the right side of the grid. But with this technique, the left-side columns would have to be disjoint from the right-side columns. To lock the splitterbar, you can override OnMoveSplitter, and don't call the baseclass.

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