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Use of Essential Grid

Hello, Am new in using the syncfusion grid control. I am working in a Windows Forms application using C# and have a collection which contains few rows. I want to bind the data to the syncfusion essential grid(not the bound one). Can any one Pls help me out in this.. Thanks, Ramesh

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 5, 2004 05:54 PM UTC

You can set gridControl1.RowCount and gridControl1.ColCount. Then you can loop through your data (whatever it is), and set values into the grid using an indexer, //C# this.gridControl1[row, col].CellValue = yourDataForCellAtRowCol; ''VB me.gridControl1(row, col).CellValue = yourDataForCellAtRowCol The first (top-left) non-header cell in the grid is row = 1, col = 1. The row loop would be from 1 to grid.RowCount and the col loop would be from 1 to grid.ColCount. Now there are other ways you can do this. But this is the most straight-forward way.

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