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Changing date format

Hi, I have a grid bound to a datatable. The datatable is linked to a SQL table. One of the columns is smalldatetime. How do i get the grid to display hours and minutes after the date? The data is in the table. I''ve been trying the following to no evail There is no error message, however it does not achieve the desired result. Thanks in advance, Damien Me.grdStatusHistory.DataSource = dtResult Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.SetDataBinding(dtResult, "") Me.grdStatusHistory.Model.ColStyles(Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.NameToColIndex("dDateChanges")).Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm" Me.grdStatusHistory.Refresh()

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 5, 2004 05:22 AM UTC

The style.Format does not work unless you also set the style.CellValueType to reflect the proper System.Type. So try Me.grdStatusHistory.Model.ColStyles(Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.NameToColIndex("dDateChanges")).CellValueType = GetType(DateTime)

DS Damien Sawyer August 9, 2004 11:23 PM UTC

Thanks for that Clay, Unfortunately it didn''t work. My code now looks like .... Notice that I did the formatting twice, with both "Date Changed" and "dDateChanged"... just to check. Any ideas? Thanks, DS Dim sSQL As String = "" Dim dtResult As New DataTable sSQL += "SELECT " sSQL += "iID [ID]," sSQL += "OrderNumber [Order Number]," sSQL += "iItemID [Item ID]," sSQL += "SecondID [Second ID]," sSQL += "iStatusOld [Old Status]," sSQL += "iStatusNew [New Status]," sSQL += "dDateChanges [Date Changed] " sSQL += " from dbo.tblOrderStatusChangeLog " sSQL += "WHERE OrderNumber = " & Me._iOrderNumber.ToString & " " sSQL += "AND SecondID = ''" & Me._cLITM.Trim & "'' " sSQL += "order by dDateChanges" Dim daLogs As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, Me._oRoot.oSQLConn) daLogs.Fill(dtResult) Me.grdStatusHistory.DataSource = dtResult Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.SetDataBinding(dtResult, "") Me.grdStatusHistory.Model.ColStyles(Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.NameToColIndex("dDateChanges")).CellValueType = GetType(DateTime) Me.grdStatusHistory.Model.ColStyles(Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.NameToColIndex("dDateChanges")).Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm" Me.grdStatusHistory.Model.ColStyles(Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.NameToColIndex("Date Changed")).CellValueType = GetType(DateTime) Me.grdStatusHistory.Model.ColStyles(Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.NameToColIndex("Date Changed")).Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm" Me.grdStatusHistory.Refresh()

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team August 10, 2004 05:22 AM UTC

I am sorry, it did not register with me that you were using ColStyles. If grdStatusHistory is a GridDataBoundGrid, then you will need to set the style for the column using the GridBoundColumn object for the column. So, if you have not explicitly added GridBoundColumns, you would use code like grdStatusHistory.Binder.InternalColumns("dDateChanges").StyleInfo.CellValueType = GetType(DateTime) Me.grdStatusHistory.Binder.InternalColumns("dDateChanges").StyleInfo.Format = "dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm" If you have explicitly added GridBoundColumns, then you use the grdStatusHistory.GridBoundColumns collection set the styles on the columns.

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