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Cancel Expanding of a Group.

I would like to cancel expanding of a Group, by checking a value in the child column. Please help! Thanks, Bhandhavi.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 21, 2004 02:28 PM UTC

Hi Bhandhavi, you can handle the GroupExpanding event and cancel the operation there as shown in code below this.groupingGrid1.GroupExpanding += new GroupEventHandler(groupingGrid1_GroupExpanding); private void groupingGrid1_GroupExpanding(object sender, GroupEventArgs e) { // work around for now: throw new Exception(); // in future: // e.Cancel = true; } I noticed that with the current version the e.Cancel property is not checked. That''s why you have to throw an exception. In future builds you will be able to simple set e.Cancel = true. I added support for checking this property in the grid.grouping source code. Stefan

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