Sorry for the delay in responding. I tried to reproduce the problem using this sample
However, the time taken with count = 30 was 801 mill secs. Could you please try running this sample and let me know if you see the problem in this sample also. Also, there is a new version that is scheduled to be release this week, which has a number of features/optimizations over the previous version. Thank you for youe co-operation.
Best regards,
>one more question!
>I measured time required for font setting.
>If cell range increases, it will take even longer time for setting
>How can I make the processing faster?
> int count = 10;
> DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
> IFont font = sheet.Range[1,1, count,count].CellStyle.Font;
> font.FontName = "TimesNewRoman";
> font.Size = 8;
> font.Color = (ExcelKnownColors)3;
> font.Bold = false;
> DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
> TimeSpan spentTime = endTime - startTime;
> //
> // if count=10, then spentTime is 0.1093780 sec
> // if count=20, then spentTime is 5.515620 sec (increase 55 tiems)
> // if count=30, then spentTime is 60.390626 sec (increase 603 times)