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columnwidth, move worksheet, delete worksheet

Thanks for your reply about addPicture method. I have 2 questions about new release ver. 1. Why can not value of IRange.ColumnWidth be doube value less than 1.0? ex) IRange range = this.Sheet.Range[row1, col1, row2, col2]; range.ColumnWidth = 8.3; // OK range.ColumnWidth = 1.0; // OK range.ColumnWidth = 0.6; // error!! range.ColumnWidth = 0.32; // error!! 2. How can I move worksheet or delete worksheet in Worksheets ? ex) Move Sheet Microsoft Excel: Excel._Worksheet SheetBefore = (Excel._Worksheet)Book.Worksheets.get_Item(sSheetBefore); Excel._Worksheet SheetCurrent = (Excel._Worksheet)Book.Worksheets.get_Item(sSheetName); SheetCurrent.Move(mVal,SheetBefore); ExcelRW: IWorksheet sheetBefoer = this.Book.Worksheets[sSheetBefore]; IWorksheet sheetCurrent = this.Book.Worksheets[sSheetName]; sheetCurrent.???? // -.-a ex) Delete Sheet Microsoft Excel: Excel._Worksheet DelSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)Book.Worksheets.get_Item(sSheetName); DelSheet.Delete(); ExcelRW: I don''t know. Thanks!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 19, 2004 01:40 PM UTC

Hi, 1) Seems to be a bug, we will fix it ASAP. 2) Worksheets can be removed using IWorkbook.Worksheets.Remove(0); , but I came across some issues testing it and will have it fixed. 3) Currently we do not have a method to move worksheets. I have logged this a feature request and will update you with more information at the earliest. Thank you for your patience. Best regards, Stephen. >Thanks for your reply about addPicture method. > >I have 2 questions about new release ver. > 1. Why can not value of IRange.ColumnWidth be doube value less than 1.0? > > ex) IRange range = this.Sheet.Range[row1, col1, row2, col2]; > range.ColumnWidth = 8.3; // OK > range.ColumnWidth = 1.0; // OK > range.ColumnWidth = 0.6; // error!! > range.ColumnWidth = 0.32; // error!! > 2. How can I move worksheet or delete worksheet in Worksheets ? > > ex) Move Sheet > Microsoft Excel: > Excel._Worksheet SheetBefore = (Excel._Worksheet)Book.Worksheets.get_Item(sSheetBefore); > Excel._Worksheet SheetCurrent = (Excel._Worksheet)Book.Worksheets.get_Item(sSheetName); > SheetCurrent.Move(mVal,SheetBefore); > > ExcelRW: > IWorksheet sheetBefoer = this.Book.Worksheets[sSheetBefore]; > IWorksheet sheetCurrent = this.Book.Worksheets[sSheetName]; > > sheetCurrent.???? // -.-a > > ex) Delete Sheet > Microsoft Excel: > Excel._Worksheet DelSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)Book.Worksheets.get_Item(sSheetName); > DelSheet.Delete(); > > ExcelRW: > I don''t know. > > >Thanks! >

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