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Font dialog font size in pixel

Is it possible to display font size in point instead of pixel in the Font dialog? Most users expect font size in point because Microsoft Word uses point for font size.

Since font dialog can be customized, could you please show me how to change the size control to display in point?


3 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

KG Kalaivannan Ganesan Syncfusion Team April 12, 2021 06:11 PM UTC

Hi Herbert,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

The fontsize can be displayed in points instead of pixels.  At present in our SfRichTextBoxAdv control, conventions for all the properties are Pixel units. So, we can implement IValueConverter for Pixel to Point value conversion and vice versa in property

72 points = 96 pixels

1 point = 96/72 points

We have also added a modified template for FontDialog in App.xaml to change fontsize fields and to apply the template for the FontDialogs used in the application. We have also prepared a sample to demonstrate the same. Please find the sample from the following link.

Sample link:

Please let us know if you have any other questions


HE Herbert April 12, 2021 08:33 PM UTC

I can't download the sample because it said access denied. Could you please fix it?

KG Kalaivannan Ganesan Syncfusion Team April 13, 2021 07:32 AM UTC

Hi Herbert,

Thanks for the update.

Please find the sample from the following link.

Sample link:

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Marked as answer
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