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Strange drawing in grid.

Hello! I have created sample, where occurs such problem. Sometimes after resizing grid columns or after sometime appear unwanted cells on unexisted columns (See StrangeDraw.zip). Where can be a problem? Best regards! RedrawGrid_7370.zip StrangeDraw_9866.zip

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 12, 2004 01:06 PM UTC

You can only access the grid (or any other Windows Forms control) on the thread that created it. The m_OnUpdate handler is being called from nonUI threads, so you have to recall it on the UI thread that created the grid.
private void m_OnUpdate(Manager m)
	Int32 row = m_Managers.IndexOf(m) + 1;
		this.gridControl1.BeginInvoke(new OnUpdateDelegate(m_OnUpdate), new object[]{m});
	gridControl1.RefreshRange(GridRangeInfo.Cells(row, 1, row, 5));

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