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Altering data displayed

I''ve got a GridDataBoundGrid with its DataSource set to a custom collection and using GridBoundColumn''s to map properties of the objects in the collection to columns in the grid. I want to alter the way a particular column is displayed. The column is bound to a numeric property, and I want to do some processing with that number and actually display text I provide in the column instead of the number. Modifying the class for the objects in the collection to provide a property for the text I want is not a possibility. I looked at the Grid.DrawCellDisplayText event. I can get the text about to be displayed in the cell and can change it by setting e.DisplayText, but I can''t figure out how to tell what column is being displayed so I don''t know whether or not to modify the text. I looked at the Grid.DrawCell event. I can get the Column/Row index for the cell being drawn (e.ColIndex and e.RowIndex), and can probably use that to get to a particular object in the collection to get the value of the numeric property in question, but I can''t figure out how to change the text displayed. Can anyone provide any suggestions or solutions, or just a point in the right direction? Thanks! ----- Lee

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 6, 2004 04:24 PM UTC

In DrawCellDisplayText, maybe you can check e.Style.CellIdentity.Colindex to find out where you are? Or, you might try handling grid.Model.QueryFormattedText and format things there.

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